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Accessibility Statement

Website Accessibility Statement

South Dublin County Council is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with European Union (Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Bodies) Regulations 2020.  

This accessibility statement applies to content published on

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 level AA, due to the non-accessible content listed below. 

Non-accessible content

If you wish to contact us regarding accessibility, please see the feedback and contact information section below. We will do our best to ensure that any content you are requesting is made available and accessible.  

We are working to improve the accessibility compliance of our websites and will try to apply all accessibility standards to content being published to our website going forward.  

Parts of the Council’s website are not fully accessible. For example:

  • PDFs: Some documents in PDF format that are not fully accessible and are exempt under the EU Web Accessibility Directive because they were published prior to 23 September 2018.
  • Images: all images have alt text, but a small number are insufficiently descriptive or have slightly misleading alt text.

This is not an exhaustive list of non-accessible content.  

South Dublin County Council staff are reviewing and improving the accessibility of PDFs and are actively working to address any other identified issues on an ongoing basis.  

Exempted content

Some content such as PDF’s published prior to 23 September 2018 are exempt under the EU Web Accessibility Directive.  Please contact South Dublin County Council if there is any inaccessible content that was published to our site prior to September 2018 that you wish to receive in an accessible format, and we will try to assist you.  

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 24 March 2023 following a review of a sample number of pages against all relevant WCAG 2.1 AA success. This assessment was performed using a range of tools.  

Feedback and contact information

South Dublin County Council is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for disabled persons. We welcome feedback on the accessibility of this website.

If you have a comment or complaint about the accessibility of this website, please email us at

If you wish to request particular content in an accessible format please include the following details:

  • Your required format.
  • The content you wish to receive (please include the url of the content)
  • Your name and email address.

We will make all reasonable efforts to fulfil your request.

Access Officer

Questions and complaints about accessibility are dealt with by our Access Officer, whose role is to provide or arrange for and coordinate assistance and guidance to disabled persons accessing the services we provide. Our Access Officer may be contacted by phone at 01 414 9041 or email at    

Enforcement procedure

If you are not happy about accessibility (as outlined in sections 25, 26, 27, 28 or 29 of the Disability Act 2005), provided by South Dublin County Council you may make a complaint (under section 38 of the Act). Here is contact information for how to make an enquiry or complaint to South Dublin County Council.  

If you are not happy about our response to your complaint, you can ask the Ombudsman to look into your complaint. Here is contact information and guidance on making a complaint from the Office of the Ombudsman.